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i know how it feels
when i see you smile (:

No matter how long we exist,
we have our memories.
Points in time which time itself cannot erase
Suffering may distort my backward glances
but even to suffering,
some memories will yield nothing of her beauty or their splendor.
Rather they remain as hard as gems.

--Anne Rice--

Monday, May 28, 2007
Finally... 'O' level Chinese paper 1 and 2 is over!!!


Me is back for more blogging...

I must still make this stand again...

One that I had already lost track of...

But I am forced to repeat it over and over again...

"All the things written in this blog is my inference and I apologize first if I might have offended anyone in my post"


Today, after my Chinese paper...

I felt that I must start saving money in case I would like to retake the paper at the end of the year...

cos I don't want to waste my parents' hard earned money to take the test twice, you see...

so a question came to my mind...

about why some people are rich and some are poor?

But I think that is too easy to answer and therefore, my thoughts accidentally escalated to why many girls are very rich...

So I made some comparison...

and I found out that many girls are like very rich...

which I define as having all the expensive accessories on them and also an unlimited amount of cash to splurge on stuff that sometimes they don't even need...

But I found out something astonishing...

which was that some of those girls are actually from families that are not well-off...

and I mean not rich...

and why can they live in such a luxurious life?

And so I sought for the answer by linking many things together and I came out with a conclusion...

If I am not wrong...

parents give a luxurious life to their daughters just to ensure that they feel that their life is contented and blah blah blah...

But what is the main reason for doing this?

The answer is simple...

so that their daughters won't like guys just because they are rich...

and don't do the wrong stuff...

and I think you should understand what I mean...

But I still think that this is some sort of funny thinking...

is it really true that people will be contented with what they have?

If you give them an inch they will ask for a yard...

that is disastrous...

then that is what happens to "Chickens"... (The real word does not sound that nice)
they are willing to give up things that are important to them just for money...
it is just some pieces of papers...
and why do they disire them so much?

So I feel that I am so lucky that my family is only of the average group, not too poor, not too rich...
just sandwiched in the middle...

Just remember this...
"Being rich is not all that counts... it is being contented and happy with life"...
smile always... =)

(R^3)CMI wrote some crap again... <3 4:23 PM

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Although I am not a very "Social Studies" student...
But I think I can still differentiate between good and bad...

A few days ago, I was finally given a CARE topic...
to write about leadership...
so that I can present it in September...
with some sleeping partners...

So that foiled my plan of saying that CARE has also a bad side of it...
as I had already made the slides.
So I think it is better if I record it down in my blog...

Everything has a bad side to it... I presume.
Even CARE.
As what my school tells everyone...
CARE= care, committment, attituse, respect, responsibility and excellence.

But what if I give you these scenarios...

Scenario 1

Henry is a very young boy and this story narrates his first time picking up/answering the phone... when he was about 3 years old.

The phone started ringing...
Henry sat beside the phone, but is engrossed in his "Barney and friends" show.

His mum shouted, "Henry dear, can you help me to answer to phone? It is too noisy."

"Okay mum.", Henry replied.

Henry then went to say to the phone, "Shut up, my mum says that you are too noisy."

But the phone kept on ringing...
and ringing...
and ringing...

until Henry's father was pissed off.

"Pick up that bloody phone,Henry!!!" Henry's father snapped.

Henry then picked up the phone...
and I mean the whole thing.
As he pulled it up...
he felt a tension tugging the phone.
He pulled harder and finally the phone's cable fell out.
The phone stopped ringing.

Okay, from this first scenario, you can see that Henry is just trying to do the right thing...
instead of conitinuing to watch his television programme, he took the time and tried his best to help his parents...
but too bad he isn't that educated...
He had portrayed the CARE values...

But lets' not make any conclusions now...
only after the next scenario.

Scenario 2

It was Henry's first day in his prmary school and his first lesson was when the teacher came into the class and talked to the class about taking care of the environment.

Henry had a new dictionary for his first day of school and because of the incident when he was three, he did not want to not understand what others mean, and so, he got a dictionary.

So the teacher started making the wonderful "speech"...

If you want to care for the environment, the basic thing you can do is to pick up any litter you see and throw it away...

Henry did not even finish listening to his teacher's "speech" and started to check his dictionary for the first word, "litter".

Litter: Rubbish left lying around

Henry was not satisfied and he searched for the word "rubbish".

Rubbish: Waste or discarded material

Henry then wanted to check what was a waste.

Waste: Something discarded because not wanted.

Okay... that was it. Henry closed his dictionary...

The bell rang and the first school day ended.
Henry walked back home from school for the first time...
and I don't know whether should I say it is good or bad...
he saw an old man throw litter on the ground.
He tried to be a good citizen...
he went up to the rubbish and saw that it was a tissue paper smeared and covered with mucus.
Henry was disgusted at the sight of it but in the end he still threw it away... Ewww....

This shows that Henry had a good attittude of trying to learn...
but in the end he still got to do something he did not like...
just like how he forced himself to...

So in conclusion... (cos i need to rush for CCA)
I feel that CARE still has a bad side...
and people just don't know which side to follow...

For me, personally I prefer doing what I think is right...
not always doing what others say...
I still have a mind of my own...

So I will end this post with a question...
"Do you have a mind of your own?"

(R^3)CMI wrote some crap again... <3 8:16 AM

Sometimes I just wonder why people say majority always win...
It is like fighting a war...
when one army has a thousand soldiers...
while the other has a million soldiers...
Then as expected, the one with more soldiers will win...

It is just like when people do surveys...
or votes...
they choose only the majority...
then the views of the minority will be overwrited...

So nowadays...
I just feel that people who view both sides of anything...
good or bad...
whenever they give any answers...
their answer will not be respected...

But this we cannot blame them...
Who asked them to be in the minority group?
They chose to be in the minority group themselves.

So I think I'd better link it to in the school time...
Lets' see the scenario here...

Tommy is a bright student who excels in maths...
but his class has eight math failures...
and others are average.

In this class...
only Tommy "loves" to study...
while the others just loves to play.

So one day...
the maths teacher asked Tommy to tuition the eight failures.
Tommy did as he was told and soon...
he got influenced by the eight of them...
he then did not study hard enough for his subjects...
started spouting out vulgarities...
and finally flunked his studies...

So, in conclusion...
I should say that influences can only be successly done only when it is a majority group trying to influence a minority group...
There is no way to change someone by yourself...
people follow by example...
of a large group of people...
by listening...
by seeing...

But although saying all these...
I feel that the minority group should be given more respect...
like I had learnt in Social Studies that an aspect of good governance is when they cared about the minority races' feelings...
But a question...
"What if they are being influenced just because they are in a minority group in the middle of a large majority group?"

(R^3)CMI wrote some crap again... <3 7:58 AM

Thursday, May 24, 2007

is a word I like to describe some people who are always stuck at home.

Today, I learnt one new word called "mugger", which means the so-called "nerds"...
This group of people live only to studying and they really study till they die...

So I wonder whether I can put the word mugger with a cage-bird...

A cage-bird means that the single person is either one way or another, forever stuck in his/her own cosy corner, which they call home...
just like the ancient China's forbidden palace...

When you are in this situation...
the textbook is your only life...
then you will in return...
lose whatever you should know or look at outdoors...

There are 2 cases in these types of cage-bird incidents...
both are problems...
one with the parents...
and another with the children...

Some parents just forbid their children to go out...
that, we cannot help it...
Parents do what is best for us...
They want us to neglet our friends to study...
They just want to be proud of us...
but this will just make us feel more stress...
wanting to go to the outside world but stopped by the gates...
in which are the parents...

I lies with the child itself...
the child is so used to being him/herself that he/she isolates him/herself away from the world...
the world for them is only in a tiny cage...
in which is their home...
They are those lonely people...
which are locked in their own cosy corner just because they want to be alone...
this is also bad...
they will always feel lonely...
and soon after...
will evolve into the thought that living is a chore rather than an enjoyment...
that life is meaningless...

In conclusion...
I just feel that this "cage-bird" problem should be lifted away...
brought away from our lives...
be it the parents or the children...
the world is so huge...
the house is so small...
we can learn in the world than in our tiny home...

I don't think the person I am dedicating this to will be able to see this...
but I think it will be a good lesson to be learnt...

(R^3)CMI wrote some crap again... <3 10:18 PM

I think I should start by making a stand...
This is only my inference...
If I have offended anyone, I apologise first...

After today, I finally realised that the highest form of studying is not enjoying it...
but studying because it is a habit.

Why do I say that?
The answer is simple...
but in the form of questions...
How can we enjoy something that we are forced to achieve good results?
How can we enjoy something when there is so much stress around us?

The answer is No!

Try to think of two different scenarios, the first one is when you first started learning the game and once you had mastered it to the fullest.

For the first scenario, you do not feel as much stress and thus, you will tend to enjoy it as you are just learning it for fun. You only enjoy something just because you do it for fun, as an interest.

But as for the second scenario, you have a lot of stress once you had mastered the game due to the need to be able to stand up to your name. Thus, the stress makes it impossible for us to enjoy it the way we should, or at least the enjoyment we had at the start of learning the game.

So if I use the same reasoning for studying...
I came out with this reason.

When you study, you get stress from all around you...
either from your parents or from other sources...
but it still sums up to the same thing...


It just prevents us from enjoying things like we should...
that is the problem.

Back to the part that studying is only a habit...
I found out that if we do things consistently...
we will start to make it a habit...
an example is like brushing your teeth every morning...
once you do it for a while...
it just becomes part of you...
which people call a habit...

It is just a habit...
not an enjoyment.

As you can see, brushing teeth is something we need to do but something we will not really enjoy doing...

It is the same for studying...
try replacing the "brushing teeth" with "studying" and read it...
then you can see what I mean...

We study just for the sake of studying...
not for the sake of enjoyment...
forcing yourself to do something will also result in it becoming a habit, not an enjoyment...

So that is the end of my inference...

(R^3)CMI wrote some crap again... <3 10:02 PM

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

time to blog...
A short while before sending my brother to the airport for his China Interactive Learning Trip...
And a short break before my 'O' level Chinese examination next Monday...

Somehow, I sort of figured out some things in life...
about whether things are crebible or not...

I think I should give an example...
but not politics...
I am too young to touch on that and I fear that the police might arrest me if I say it...

Anyway, I am giving an example about our school's CARE talk...
Aside from the fact that everyone is liked packed sardines in a can in the hall listening to care talks...
it is like...
some sort of biased...
one sided...

But first to make a stand...
I am not discriminating anything or trying to say that the CARE talk is simply useles...
and mostly is because I have no say in it...

Lets' just say from the looks of it...
everything that we see in the CARE talk is positive...
and a question came to my mind...
when is anyone going to make it clear about the negative points CARE can bring?

The answer is easy...
It will take forever for anyone...
as you can see...
people don't like to be different...
and there is a fear in them that they will get punished for saying the wrong stuff...

But WAIT!!!

I remember learning in Social Studies something about Justify for something...
which I think if...
only if...
a student talks about the negative effects of CARE...
then the student's purpose is only to justify for the fact...
those things are not crap...

You say smoking harms...
that is not crap...
but do you say smoking helps to relieve stress?
Those smokers will think that it isn't crap...
while the non-smokers will just think that it is crap...

So from this, I can say that it is up to you to determine what is good and what is bad...
like what I learnt in Social Studies lesson...
I learn to analyse sources...
and most importantly...
to cross reference...

People do need to whole story...
do you read a story without the start?
or do you read a story without a climax?

It would be stupid...
Or rather nonsensical...
or should I say crap...

I remember once...
someone asked me this question about a cup will water filled halfway.
The person asked: "Do you see this as half full or half empty?"
So I answered: " It is how you see it. Anyway it could be both pessimistic or optimistic. Lets say for instance, if you see it as half full, you will either think that you actually have enough water left to drink or opposite, groan about the need of needing to finish the rest of the cup. Even if you say it is half empty, you might see it as you will have lesser water to drink or opposite, closer to your goal of finishing the drink."

Nomatter what...
this tells me that everything must have a full picture...
it is up to us to decipher or infer...
nothing is wrong in this world...
I should say...
everything is balanced...
When you slap others...
one day you will get slapped...
what goes around comes around...

So I think I got to go now...
my brother is going out now...
and I do wish him a Bon Voyage... =)

(R^3)CMI wrote some crap again... <3 9:36 PM

Saturday, May 19, 2007

lets' just say that I just couldn't resist the temptation of logging in to update my blog...
or should I say I am trying to get a break before my 'O' level chinese exam...

I know I am feeling many things right now...
rather stirred up...
all these stress...
about the short time of one week left for me to improve my chinese grade by 5 marks...

I remember reading a newspaper article a few days ago...
an article written by Bill Gates.

It talks about school...
that it only arms us with the knowledge but not how you deal with people...
Dealing with people is difficult...
cos there is no telling what type of people you will meet...
so that got me thinking...
I thought that perhaps that was really true...
what is the point of studying like... so hard...
then we only go and sit in a large room just to write on pieces of papers?

So another thought came up to me...
what if it is true that...
students with great results only think of earning a basic salary of two thousand plus...
to work under others...
other than make others work under them?

The answer is simple...
most of them are true...
nothing much to comment...
but really...
it is a fact...
people with good results tend to be looked up to...
and that gave them no reason for the need to prove themselves worthy...
so therefore...
they are what you call the early game "winners" and the late game "losers"...
they will lose out in the long run...

On the other hand...
when the people with good results are being "glorified"...
the weaker students from other streams will be lonely...
that is when they learn to work as a group...
rather than wanting the "Glory" for themselves...
they work together...
a common goal...
to prove themselves worthy...

So they are the type of people who are the total opposite of the scholars...
they are the late gamers...
they will OWN...
I assure you...
they can work as a team...
and we can't...

Do you think that if you have lots of friends mean that they will never leave you?
Do you think that if you have money, the money will never be gone?
DO you think that you succeed in school means that you will succeed in your life?


Trust me...
There is no way things can be that certain...
just bear that in mind...
then you will suceed...

Ummm... something to keep your brain going...
A question for you to ponder...

"If Bill gates said that he will stop at his first million... will he be as successful like what he is now?"

(R^3)CMI wrote some crap again... <3 9:00 PM

About me!