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i know how it feels
when i see you smile (:

No matter how long we exist,
we have our memories.
Points in time which time itself cannot erase
Suffering may distort my backward glances
but even to suffering,
some memories will yield nothing of her beauty or their splendor.
Rather they remain as hard as gems.

--Anne Rice--

Tuesday, August 28, 2007
A day seems so long...
A while seems so short...

Time flies...
that is what people say...
but there is something that I do not understand...

Why do time crawl so slowly everyday...
but after a while it seemed like yesterday...
whenever you think of things that happened a while ago...
even years ago...

I remember the time...
nine months ago...
when I was still slacking on my sofa...
thinking that my 'O' level examintaion is still a long way to go...
but I am wrong...
time flies...
and before I knew it...
it is already the prelims...

Time is still flying...
even when I am typing this post...
I think that we should really treasure our time...
although everday seems so long...
So I do hope that I can grasp this time and use it wisely...
before I regret it...

My 'O' level examination is near...
I must really study...
real hard...

I think I've got to go and study now...
Ta-ta... =)

(R^3)CMI wrote some crap again... <3 1:48 PM

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Just doing some simple practices and I get all the careless mistakes...
No matter how hard I try...
there is no point...
either I read the question wrongly or I made some stupid mistakes in my working...
I just hope during my prelims and 'O' levels I don't make these kind of stupid mistakes...

So I kind of figured out that mistakes are inevitable...
and thus...
the only way to do this is to reduce the number of mistakes we made...
and that is why I think machines and computers are invented to do repetitive tasks...

But making mistakes is easy...
but undoing the mistake made is near impossible...
It isn't as easy as pressing 'ctrl+ z' on your keyboard...
or using any form of eraser or correction tape/fluid to erase anything on a piece of paper...
if you made any error on it...
even those leave some marks...

It is the same as making wounds...
as in the form of mistakes...
people always say time heals all wounds...
but I do prefer thinking that time only buries the wounds but in time to come...
it will still re-surface...
deepen it...
and you will get it back again...
or rather worse...

Just like whenever something bad happens to you...
you will have a bad memory...
in which is what we call a 'wound'...
after which...
it will slowly cover up by itself...
with good memories...
but once a flashback occurrs...
the wound will resurface...
just now re-cutting it on the same spot...
not only making it resurface...
but also make it deeper...

I guess the only way to completely bury this wound is to face it...
once and for all...
treat it as though it is an experience you know of...
to prevent further wounds from being created...

But I guess...
the best way of all...
is to be careful...
and try not to make any mistakes...

(R^3)CMI wrote some crap again... <3 8:24 PM

Sometimes I am just curious about one thing...
Frequently, we will hear many students calling each other names like 'stupid' or other funny names...

So what does stupidity really mean?
Does it mean a low IQ or a low EQ?

From what I think, having a low IQ is no logical sense, which people might call stupid...
but having a low EQ can also mean stupidity...
you do stupid things becuase you don't know how to relate to people...
I guess that is what they meant...

But how do we actually differenciate what people are scolding us?
Stupid as in low EQ or IQ...
Sometimes we just do stupid things and people say that we are stupid...
that I do not understand...

I think calling others stupid is really a stupid thing to do...
because it is stupid to call others stupid...
but would be stupid enough to carry a stupid mirror around with them?
Who could stand such stupidity?

Above is just an example of how we use the word 'stupid' in our everyday lives...
it seems as if it had become part of our culture or habit to call others stupid...

So therefore...
whenever someone calls you stupid...
I guess you need not need to feel bad about it...
feelnig that you are really stupid and useless...
they might just be too used on using the word 'stupid'...
that they even use it everywhere and anywhere...

Maybe they are the stupid ones...
calling others stupid...
I am not an exception...
in which I think you know what I mean...

(R^3)CMI wrote some crap again... <3 8:15 PM

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Just as Mrs Selva was revising with my class about coflicts among countries...
a thought just flashed into my mind...
about discrimination and segregation...
then it kind of branched off somewhere far away...

About the poor poeple in some parts of Africa...
it may sound stupid...
but I am trying to make a tiny inference...
you may choose to support or not...
I just feel I've got to say it out...

Sometimes our parents would use an example of "Don't waste your food... there are many people in Africa who don't have food to eat..." to make us finish up our food...
but don't you think it is the same as discrimination?
It make them seem as though they are of a lower class...
they are also humans...
with human rights...
I know that meant well for us children...
but can't they just cook out something more creative other than discriminating others?

I just think that no one likes to be discriminated...
think about it...
believe it or not...
agree it or not...

(R^3)CMI wrote some crap again... <3 10:38 PM

I am so confused...
I have to make a decision between two choices...

Should I:
1) Be glad that many of the sec 4s I know in my school are taking the 'O' level examintaion with me?
2) help them?

I just feel that many of them think that exams are very far away...
that there is still time for them to relax...
some of them just simply refuse to do their homework...
let alone studying...

Even having tests and examinations...
they only aim for passes...
but I think it is too late for them...
passing is the subject ages ago...
now should be the time of aiming high...
but many of them just don't know this fact...

So I think they should try to work hard now...
instead of disturbing those who are keen on studying...
and maybe they can try to scrape out a 'B'?
Who knows...

(R^3)CMI wrote some crap again... <3 10:32 PM

Sometimes I just hate people asking me for rewards when I ask them to do things that are for their own good...
they just think as if everything they do is not for themselves, but for others...
So it seems that many people have the wrong perception of working only for rewards rather than working for self...
Just like my sister...
whenever I tell her to finish her food soon, she always ask me the same thing...
"Is it if I finsih my food now you will give me sweet?"
But that is only part of it...
although she is only six years old, she already has this kind of mindset...

Not to say the younger people...
I have seen teenagers and adults doing the same thing...
Just like some of my friends...
Whenever I remind them to complete their assignments, they will say that they will not do it as there are no rewards even if they complete it...

As for adults...
I would rather keep it to myself rather than spouting them out...

Just like some of my classmates...
when my maths teacher said that he will pay for the end of the year graduation night's $80 for the whole class only if...
everyone passes their A maths during the Prelims...
Immediately, some of my classmates started shouting for everyone to pass...
or else the class will kill them...
but some of those who shouted always fail their A math tests...
So me and my friend, Yi Kai, were laughing...

I am very sure...
99.9% sure that we will not be able to save $80 and Mr Ang will be able to save his $2640...
the other 0.01% is for miracles...
and I am very sure Mr Ang made that bet because he knew...
for certain...
many will fail...

And that is the first time I'd ever agreed with him... Bwahahahaz...

(R^3)CMI wrote some crap again... <3 9:51 PM

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

I feel funny...
coming back to post about what happened to me in one day in chronological order...
which I don't re-call doing it for about ten months...

Today's pre-national day celebration @ Mayflower is totally awesome!!!

I did not actually have any red shirt and I kind of borrowed it from my brother...
and I took his 'I love Singapore' shirt...
that is from year 2003...
the year I took my PSLE...

I went to school in the fear that nobody will wear 'I love Singapore' shirt...
but when I reached school...
I found out that I was not the only one wearing 'I love Singapore shirt'...
that made me feel better...
at least less paranoid...
then my friend told me that he was actually scared that nobody will wear red to school today...
I think the both of us are just too paranoid...

After the National Anthem...
the uniform group people marched in and I saw Benedict...
I don't believe he's doing it...
makes me think of the time when I was Sec 2...
marching up the stage with the other uniform groups' representatives with the state flag...
that was my first time up on stage...
that time there was no choice...
as my seniors don't come for CCA...
but i still wondered who forced Benedict to go...
but at least he did not disgrace us by giving us lousy marching...
his marching was superb...

After which...
I can describe the whole time to be dragging slowly...
and rather pointless...
it is like sitting there...
enjoying the heat...
getting barbequed...
I prefer outdoors...
even the field...

I was like "Huh?" all the way throughout the drama performance...
trying to catch the 'off' beats of the guitarist playing throughout the recollections...
resting my face on my fists with my elbows on my lap throughout the other performances...
listening to Mr Ang's pointless talk on us trying to cover up for Nicholas's 'crime' of sitting in other classes and trying to find the culprit who passed the massage of "Nicholas is on duty"...
trying to refrain my eyes from closing throughout the 'best dressed competition'...
and keeping my fingers crossed as the results of the 'classroom decoration' contest came out...

Congratulations to Suhaili for winning the $50 voucher and the 'Lee Kuan Yew' book for the best dressed competition...
and luckily...
we did not lose the 'classroom decoration competition'...
if we lose...
we will not be able to face Mr Lee anymore...
we kind of stole his physics remedial this Monday...

But somehow...
the problem ended well enough when it came to the part where we sing sung song (sing some song)...
that was when almost the whole of 4J became damn enthusiastic...
I wonder what made them stand up and sing song all the way to the front of the hall then go to the left side of the stage...
maybe it is because of 'backside cramps' from sitting too long...
then my class's girls were like trying to also be enthusiastic...
turning crazy...
also want to follow the example of 4J...
then we guys tio sabotaged...
have to move in front...
with Wen Fa as the leader...
going through the center to the front...
that was cool lolz!
except for those remaining people who are still sitting there...
I wonder if they ever affiliate them with 4I...
doing their own stuffs...

Then I was like "Ahh...! End liao!" when the whole thing ended...
it was totally awesome! That was the only thing I can comment about the whole occasion...

(R^3)CMI wrote some crap again... <3 9:24 PM

"There is no black and white, just patches of grey"...
this is a vague memory of what Mrs Ess said on yesterday's Social Studies lecture...
I don't really remember the exact words that she said...
but at least this have some of the words...

I quite agree with this statement...
just like how I see some people distorting facts...
Before I elaborate more on what I think...
if you feel that I am talking about you...
I am sorry to tell you that you are wrong...
I am actually only expressing my views only...
no other intentions...

Sometimes I just feel that the truth can be distorted...
to be crafted till it seems almost perfect...
that although it is a lie...
it seems as though it is the real thing...
For example...
some people might make something major sound minor...
like when some one gets beaten up real bad...
they might say that the person just got tapped, but with a little more force...
as long as there is no evidence of any marks or bruises left behind...
there will be no way of cross-referencing...
whether it is true or not...
it is just how we infer...

Talking about inference...
sometimes I just feel like buying a book about making correct inferences...
and carry it around with me...
not for me...
it is for those people who are really lousy at inferencing...
something bad they will think that it is good...
that is really...
oh mi gosh...
it just make them look stupid...
just like a smart alec...

For example...
if a message with no underlying meaning is passed...
and those 'smart alecs' will think that there MUST be some underlying meaning...
then they will do their super 'inferencing' skill...
and smack!
A huge problem is created when they start confronting someone after they had done their 'smart' inferences...

But that is not the end...
they are very clever too...
whenever they are at fault...
they try to make others look as if they are at fault...
and they start 'neutralising' some wrong doings...
by cancelling out a mistake they had made with a mistake that the other party had made...
and by the time their mistakes are all cleared off...
they will start their 'special' operation...
by making the other party get all the blame just be making sure the other party gets more fault than them that they have got nothing to cancel out...
it will thus result in...
the one having the fault to be free of all charges and the one not at much fault to get all the blame...

Those are what I call 'blame-pushers'...
those who make sure they cover their tracks nicely...
but I just think that not many are professional enough to evade the law...
there is no way they can escape...
it is just too obvious...
they are just being oblivious...
too bad...
there is nothing we can do to change them...

"The best way to solve a problem is to face it"...
is what we commonly hear...
and I agree with it 75%...
not 0% or 100%...
no black or white...
only patches of grey...

*If you don't understand this post...
feel free to ask me anytime...
if you have any means to be able to find me... =D

(R^3)CMI wrote some crap again... <3 8:54 PM

Why didn't I realise this before?!
All I can think of people being separated into different groups...
but I missed one point...
an important point...
something that I have always envied...
the other group...
that I am not in...

What I forgot about teenagers like me nowadays...
is that we too...
have a classed 'society'...
the 'cool' and 'uncool' group...

I don't really know much about the 'cool' group or the 'uncool' group...
but I do feel that they are quite easy to differenciate...

The 'cool' group is what you identify a group of people who are popular...
one that moves as a group...
one that people would talk to...
one whose hairstyle, accessories and clothings etc. are 'cool'...
or rather...
the Rich Kids...

the 'uncool' group is those who barely know many people...
stick in their small group...
those of a typical lifestyle of 'All I have now is enough'...
and lastly...
not as rich as the 'cool' people...

Just like me...
I belong to the category of 'uncool' people...
who is like...
not many friends...
except for a few...
and one who is consistently broke...
not once...
not twice...
but almost everytime...
I do like to stick with the same small group...
I only mingle with others when I am not in my 'comfort zone'...
In conclusion...
I just feel that I am in the 'uncool' group...

But it is quite stupid that teenagers like us must also be divided into different classes...
which is happening rather unknowingly...
but the common answer I get is always the same...
"Aiya... this is teenagers..."

But it is actually quite stupid that we just quote famous quotes from everywhere...
to escape from problems...
like for example...
"Silence is golden"
"It is recorded in black and white"
"It is part and parcel of life"...
and many many more...

Can't they at least have more creativity?
We cannot blame them...
if we have creativity...
there will be no need of telling us to be creative...
just like if we are not frightened of a certain thing...
we do not really put up safety measures against it...
it is rather pointless...
if we do things that are unneccessary...

I think I will just stay this way...
in my current 'uncool' group...
it is only like four months before I don't even recognize mayflower secondary... (Okay... I am just kidding here...)
But I will see what I can do to expand my region of friends... =D

(R^3)CMI wrote some crap again... <3 8:26 PM

Saturday, August 04, 2007

I was just calculating some simple mathematics...
and some physics...
And I found out a link behind something that had been troublnig me for a long time...

What do you get when you get a scale that is balanced on both sides...
and place a 50grams weight on each of the ends of the balance...
It would somehow still remain at the same spot...
or slighly displaced... (If you really want to count using physics calculation)

So I kind of thought of more things that needed balancing...
just like the example of emotions...
we must be happy or sad...
or else there would not be any balance...

So what about luck?
What if on a certain day...
we get very good luck for a short period of time then get bad luck smacked at our face the next moment?
I think it is almost as similar to people gambling...
At first they might get lucky...
then they will get very lucky and waste all their luck away...
even if those wh0 are unlucky...
they never get the chance to get lucky and they go broke...
I guess it is that which happens...

Do you agree? Drop some comments. =)

(R^3)CMI wrote some crap again... <3 9:05 PM

Thursday, August 02, 2007

I really feel like writing this out today...
after being insulted over and over...
for many of us not being hardworking...
being lazy...
as reflected in our grades...

"You lot are just plain lazy! Look... it is shown on your result slips... in black and white... you lot just cannot deny you all are lazy. Am I right?"
This is just a typical thing that some teachers think about us, let alone some who just blurt them out...

But I have an objection to show with that statement, along with another statement of "Do not blame your teachers that you fail your test"...
Both statements prove to have a tiny bit of similarity to each other...
And now...
I will express my view on this two statements...

we are not really lazy...
if not we won't even attempt any of the homework given to us...

I do not think that the blame should only be shouldered by us, students alone...

I will now elaborate on those two points I had just made...

The reason why we are getting those lousy results is not purely because we are lazy, but also because we are hardworking...
Harkworking in terms of studying...
Then it might be funny...
A hardworking student might not achieve good results...
That is the fact...
You may think that this is absurb...
hardworking = success...
that is what people teach us...
but the question is whether we have been studying effictively or not...

Studying effectively does not refer to your studying timetable or how you study...
it is whether you have been doing your homework effectively...
in which I mean whether you have been practicing the right stuff...
I think it would be easier if I give some examples...

Let's say we came across a certain question in a piece of assignment given to us by one of our teacher that we thought we knew how to do it. We will then attempt the question and then hand it up, or sometimes the teacher just does not collect them. But the hidden fact that is unknown only to you is that the answer is wrong. But since no one has ever corrected you, you will presume it is the right answer, since you thought you knew. Soon, if you come across more and more of this certain question, you will continue to put in your wrong answer. And soon, it will become a bad habit and even if you get corrected, there is a high chance that you will still put in the wrong answers...

I think that was a very long example...
I will try to link them to the two statements made at the top of this post...

If our teachers are not consitent in collecting the work they give, collecting homework and just marking them with ticks even if there are wrong answers or simply not go through any answers, even if the answers are wrong, it will result in us often getting all our facts wrong and use our 'facts' to answer our questions. So does it make it partially the teacher's responsible?

It is not that we are lazy, it is just that we are hardworking practicing all those wrong stuff... so don't blame us with that obsolete excuses of "You all are just plain lazy" and "Do not blame us, blame yourself"... we are sick and tired of being insulted like this...

If you think that you disagree with all these I have written down, feel free to drop any comment in my tagbox...

(R^3)CMI wrote some crap again... <3 8:51 PM

About me!