Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Let me first ask you a few questions...
Do you feel lucky that you were not there at the scene when the tsunami struck?
Do you feel lucky that you were not in the world trade centre during the 9/11 incident?
That determines if you are selfish or not...
I guess...
Why feel lucky when so many people died in it?
It is just our own natural way to show that we are selfish...
Those that feel pitiful for the people and go and give it their all to help, they are those that we consider selfless...
Putting others before self...
I am sure you've heard that before...
Do you actually practice that?
Or rather...
have you done it before?
It is quite funny how people can be selfish without themselves knowing it...
I don't know why...
(R^3)CMI wrote some crap again... <3 7:50 PM
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Does it ever come to you why some people do stupid things?
Like maknig fun of themselves just to make others laugh...
or like some cases...
committing crimes?
Look at it this way...
all along, there are cases where elder siblings beat up younger siblings to get their parents' attention...
because they feel that their parents are not paying attention to them...
But the question is...
"Is it worth it to do stupid things just to get attention?"
But there could be another question to be asked...
"Why in the firt place do those people need attention?"
Every effect has its cause...
similarly as every cause will have an effect...
people that do stupid things are often ignored by people...
and therefore...
the only way for people to start noticing them is to do stupid things...
because someway or another...
they just kind of not know what other ways they can do it...
But why?
Why do they want the attention?
Are they being negleted? Do they feel unwanted?
Do they feel left out?
That is the most common stuff that you can find...
there are some cases where people just want to have a listening ear and everyone just kind of ignores him/her...
in my opinion...
I think that people should not make others feel left out...
not even say despising someone...
or worse...
asking others not to make friends with the person...
Try to understand their differences...
unless they are the sort who truly deserves to be ignored...
(R^3)CMI wrote some crap again... <3 8:32 PM
Friday, February 22, 2008
Who would have known that time passes so quickly...
and it is already the eighth year of the twenty-first century...
If we start to count our roots...
I wonder how long we need to count the number of generations we have?
maybe we can...
using a quantum computer...
But have you seen the changes that seem insignificant to you...
that the world transformed from a stone age to a modern age...
which is like a huge difference...
something that the people in the stone age would never have thought about achieving...
But why?
Some people say it is just that people accidentally got ideas and started revising them and improving them...
while others say that it is the sheer determination of people and their observance that made us go so far...
But actually...
if you can see it another way...
it might be that generations become better than the previous ones because they learn from their older generations' mistakes...
Examples are that people now choose diplomacy to prevent wars and that people are no longer very much controlled by their religions and other things, unlike generations ago...
That is why generations beome better...
they learn to adapt...
they learn to accept changes...
they learn to not commit the same mistakes...
Just like a little kid growing up into a young adult...
he or she matures...
Just like as time go by...
people mature...
And that is the cycle of life...
I guess...
Micro or Macro...
(R^3)CMI wrote some crap again... <3 4:06 PM
There is no black and white...
only patches of grey around...
that is what you always hear here and there...
I have another example for it though...
About misinterpretation...
You always see people arguing with one another...
friends breaking up...
because of misunderstandings...
or rather...
misinterpretations of some stuff...
that they either see, hear or feel...
But have you wondered that some people may be glorified due to misinterpretation of others?
It is just like you just do something good because you felt that it was necessary...
or rather...
for no particular reason...
But another person who sees it thinks that you did it just because you are a kind person, or whatsoever...
Then goes round telling people you are kind...
and you will be portrayed as a kind person...
Another example is that some people may be selfish...
like in one case...
they cannot take it when people smoke...
so they just snatch the cigarette away and extinguish it...
because they don't like the smell it produces...
to others, it may seem that the person is actually very selfless...
very health-concious...
helping stop the person from smoking...
Then this would make a selfish person selfless...
How cool is that?
So does it change your impression that misinterpretations are not bad thnigs after all?
(R^3)CMI wrote some crap again... <3 3:58 PM
Have you ever heard of people saying...
"Do not show a magic trick more than once to the same audiences"...
it also applies with jokes...
you just tell someone a joke...
the next time the person hears it...
it would be very familiar and it loses its value of laughter...
This is a simple illustration of why new ideas constantly come out...
or rather...
why people would think out of new ideas to replace the old...
Notice that if you want to be the best magician...
you will need to be able to show newer and better magic tricks...
and that automatically rises to competition...
just to keep a little title...
now you are forced into thinking up new ideas that people do not normally learn in a book...
Thus, there should be no reason for you to say that you don't have any ideas...
you can only say...
"I am thinking of it now..."
If not, you will eventually lose out...
And that is the way it is...
(R^3)CMI wrote some crap again... <3 3:53 PM
Saturday, February 09, 2008
Practical, but not effective...
Effective, but not practical...
That is what often happens when we do things...
We do things through a long and painful way...
when there is actually a shortcut to it...
like for an example...
the difference between study hard and study smart...
Studying hard takes a long and painful process...
while studying smart takes a shorter time...
both with the same results...
Thus, imagine what you can do with the amount of time given for studying hard while studying smart...
That is an example of being practical and effective...
there is also the effective, but not practical part...
It is either somebody does not want you to accomplish a certain task...
or you just do not have the necessary things to do it...
Just like making a bully learn his mistake is to let him have a taste of his own medicine...
but the problem is how to?
There is actually no way it can really be done unless you really look for other alternatives...
Sometimes people just do not understand these stuff...
in two ways...
One, doing things the long way round...
and two, laughing at ideas in which they think is funny...
Think about it...
will it help you to work better?
(R^3)CMI wrote some crap again... <3 11:18 PM
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
Sometimes, I feel that we are just looking at only one side of the picture...
no matter what the situation is...
Many of us just go to the first thing we see and we believe that that is the truth...
that we can always trust our senses...
without going in to investigate...
Some just kind of find it a hassle...
Just like something recent that happened...
I joined student council as a welfare intern...
and one day, my brother asked me the meaning of the word 'intern'...
I checked the dictionary, specifically thesaurus...
Its meansing was: To confine as a prisoner
Then I felt something fishy about it...
but did not care to check from other sources...
and presumed we are prisoners...
But soon after...
after being sooooo uneasy...
I went to check again and this was what is found in
Definition: An intern is a person who works as an apprentice or trainee in an occupation or profession to gain practical experience...
At least this meaning is more relevent to what we know as intern...
So if I did not double check...
what would happen?
I am not sure about that either...
(R^3)CMI wrote some crap again... <3 11:58 AM
Have you ever wondered why more cases of thefts are reported during chinese new year?
We cannot actually put the blame on the thieves...
we can only blame it on the people who created the temptation...
These are the reasons why...
1)At the door, the house owner usually puts "出入平安" with some other decorations. This makes the thieves feel that they are welcomed into the house, to go in and out peacefully...
2)The cash in packed nicely into red packets and placed at one side, which is so convenient for the thief to take it away.
blame no one on your misfortune but yourself...
*Please note that the things above are crap. If I've offended anyone, I hereby apologize first...
(R^3)CMI wrote some crap again... <3 11:41 AM
Wow, it is going to be chinese new year again tomorrow!!!
I just can't wait to gorge myself with all the new year goodies...
especially the love-letters and ba-kua...
Wow, am I not surprised...
It is once again a boring CNY celebration in school...
but at least there are some new stuff...
but the level of enthusiasm is still... bleah...
Somehow, I feel that my class in 2007 is slowly separating...
our class spirit is no longer there...
just like today...
I wanted to go back school...
to pay a visit to the teachers...
but most of my classmates are not going...
then I might as well not go back...
But I do think I will return during teachers' day...
which is like... so long later...
Happy chinese new year everyone!!!
(R^3)CMI wrote some crap again... <3 11:27 AM