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i know how it feels
when i see you smile (:

No matter how long we exist,
we have our memories.
Points in time which time itself cannot erase
Suffering may distort my backward glances
but even to suffering,
some memories will yield nothing of her beauty or their splendor.
Rather they remain as hard as gems.

--Anne Rice--

Thursday, January 29, 2009
Just when I thought that things will go anew in my JC life...
Just when I thought...

The scary thing is like haunting me once again, and I felt the 'feeling' once more...
and it is no joke...
It is darn painful...

It was like hurting non-stop during the first two lessons of today, and the feeling was like being slashed right in my heart...

I don't know why, but it really hurts, and I don't know whether is it my yawning or is it the pain that made me tear in class for a few time...

Luckily, the pain has yet to kill me...
and I'm thinking of just letting it go, and not allow the wound to surface again...

But it will all bring me back to my materialistic self that I had been recently, drowning my sorrows in smiles and not being pessimistic and just remain super optimistic...
being nice when I don't feel like it...

It just hurts, but I just don't know why, 31st gave me the smiles, but it just doesn't seem real (Ely, I'm sorry for saying this again)

I was like cruising through my own blog posts two day ago and I found out that I had actually changed a lot ever since joining council. I've became so 'fake', cos I just refuse to care about the world, just believe in things that I see, and give an optimistic view about it...

But for now, it all seems so difficult out of a sudden, cos my old self is haunting me again...

I can still remember the times when this old problem struck me over and over and over again, and the pain was totally unbearable, I had to study to drown my sorrows...

Now I cannot let my own problems get into the way of orientation. I shall allow this smile to remain plastered on my face, and just be my '31st self' for this moment. I shall be nice as always...

But I'm just scared, so scared, that something bad might happen soon, I just hope that work, this time, is still a useful strategy to drown my sorrows...

(R^3)CMI wrote some crap again... <3 11:30 PM

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Oh my, I'm like freaking tired cos my fatigue is like trying to catch up on me at one shot after finally being able to get a short rest...

But anyways, CNY was fun!

Anyways, I did not blog ytd cos I was like super duper tired...
So I shall talk about yesterday first! Hahaz!

Yesterday was like slacking for the whole morning (practically sleeping like a pig... zZZ...)
And was still super tired...

But luckily I went to my aunty's house in the afternoon!
Went there and ate and ate and ate, all the new year goodies (lucky I drank loads of water to be able to enjoy them!)

Then other than that, we had steamboat and once again, we saw the egg tofu jumping in the oil again, bwahahaha!

Anyways, that was not the main thing though, though it took loads of time...

The real thing was actually the Yoga practice with my aunty...

She told me how bad my spine is going to become and taught me some nice exercises to correct my spinal area. Not only that, she taught me the correct way of breathing using my diaphragm instead of using my lungs, but I kinda needa work on that a little more...

And that was the end of yesterday cos I went home and fell asleep...

And now about today!

Went to my grandma's house in the morning and had loads and loads of junk food! Yay! This is like the best time of each CNY!

Then we went home after bai-nian with my grandma then my aunties came streaming into my house to bai-nian...

And my cousins were like playing RISK and the game took like about 5 hours and they had to stop cos our parents were like driving them home cos 2moro got school...

Anyways, today I had one more 'lao yu sheng' which was damn special, cos it was like done on a piece of big big 'plastic table cloth' cos there were two tables joint together for our 20 plus ppl to squeeze around it, and apparently, it was not enough...

And today I had another round of steamboat! But it wasn't that nice though, cos my job was like sending food to the other tables cos only our table had the special steamboat thingy with the 'tempayaki' thing (dunno how to spell) around it (like that one in seoul garden)...

But it was really fun meeting my cousins together again, though I didn't get to talk to them much though...

But anyways, that was like my whole CNY holiday, had loads of fun seeing people again and eating...

But somehow I feel very bad...

I was like waking up today and realised that Orientation is only one more week away! And this reminded me that we have not really finalised everything. But somehow that one can work out well bah, I've confidence in that! Orientation is going to be a blast! But somehow we need to straighten some things up first! (Orientation is not supposed to be this way, and i think that it is kinda my fault)

Not only that, I was like talking to April on gmail about welco stuff and I can really see that something is seriously bothering her. I really feel like helping my chair but somehow I just don't know what is the problem and how to help her. And suddenly I've lost my ability of making people laugh, my ability of consoling people... maybe because I am like immersing myself in so much fun and laughter these two days... Argh, I feel so lousy as a vice-chair, so darn clueless...

怎麽办? 我不知道她有什么心事,我想帮她,却不知怎么办。。。

(R^3)CMI wrote some crap again... <3 9:47 PM

Monday, January 26, 2009

I can't believe that I've made my first CNY mistake so quickly!

But one thing is for sure... I'll not help you all to cover your backsides anymore!

Bleah! =P

(R^3)CMI wrote some crap again... <3 2:22 AM

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Wow, 大扫除day 2 was so tiring! (practically worked myself to death in the morning)

Firstly, I thought today was like quite slacking cos my family cleaned up alot yesterday, but...
suddenly found out that there were a lot more jobs to do, like throwing away stuff and killing plants (I am still very emo about the killing plants part)

I threw away my bike... (So sad...)

I killed many plants (because my dad said so, his fengshui thingy, last year was cannot hang clothes at the balcony, so troublesome. Oh wells...)
But I was like pleading to my dad and mum, along with my brothers to savage some plants. In the end we manage to act emo and showed our disrespect to them such that we got what we have wanted... (RAWR!)

Luckily, I got to keep my bryphyllum, my brother got to keep his plant's seeds and he has started to grow it and we got to keep a Japanese plant that is as old as me. (That one was supposed to be kept anyways...)

But I suddenly feel like my bryphyllum is not safe at home at all... I had to kill its kids okay? It is like about 20 to 30 of them and I am like so emo about it... Only the mother can be kept, and it has another 200 plus kids that are ready to be planted (there was actually about 100 more but my mum cut the leaves off so as not to block the road)

I really feel like bringing some to plant in council room. Hahaz, I just hope Jamie/CF allows. Hahaz...

Anyways, aside from all those emo-ing and stuff, in the afternoon, my family went to have reunion dinner with my grandma...

That restaurant really sucks man... got timeslots one...

I think it is called 'Long Beach' at Botanic gardens there...

My family went there for the 5.30pm to 7.30pm slot... (stupid timing...)

But today was super special, cos my family was late for the FIRST time for reunion dinner!

The food there was okay, but there was a lack of QUANTITY! This is the first reunion dinner that i had to go home to eat some more... WTH...

Anyways, the dinner ended nicely because we got to eat a red bean paste with ice cream on it, and my brother was like telling me "New year is almost complete, only let pineapple tarts!", and he wanted to steal my ice-cream too...

Then after that we sent our grandma and relatives off and my family went to Chinatown and squeezed through the crowds, so fun! I wanna do it next year again!

Anyways, my mum went to a shop that sells sweets at 100g for $1. We saw one stall ytd outside Hougang mall, but apparently it costs $1.50. Just as we saw the cheap price, we grabbed a large handful and it cost us $20! Hahaz!

Then throughout the trip back home my mum was like telling us (actually i think is herself), to convince us that she had made the right choice...

But anyways, we left Chinatown before it was too late (in the sense that the real crowd is streaming in) and went home and I found out that my I-pod is spoilt... Time to get a new MP3 and earpiece...!

Watched 功夫 on channel U and then here I am, typing out this blog post! Hahaz!

Actually there were many crazy ideas and thoughts that were flowing through my head today because I was like so emo about killing the plants...

But this kinda sums up the last day of the year of the mouse... (I don't wanna call it rat, sounds so disgusting...)

And out with the mouse, in with the moo-moo cows! Yay!

So before I sign off this blog post, I wish everyone a HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR! May all your Chinese new year's resolutions come true! Yay! =)

(R^3)CMI wrote some crap again... <3 11:09 PM

Saturday, January 24, 2009

大扫除 really is tiring and sickening...

I cannot believe that there are actually so many 'dust dinosaurs' in my house...
My hair turned grey, and the cloth I used even turned from white to black!

But it was all actually worth it in the end (though I caught a flu)...
Just looking at the clean and tidy house really made me feel so good...
But just thinking of round 2 tomorrow sucks!

Anyways, today went to heartland mall to have dinner (I also dunno why so random) with my family...

Then went for shopping for shoes for my brother and a skirt for my sister, and was SUPER boring, and I almost fell asleep walking, but my continuous sneezing kept me awake... (sadly)

Then afterwards my brothers and I cannot take it anymore and we followed our dad out of the mall while my sister and mum continued to look for the skirt. (My brother kinda did not want to buy the shoes there cos they are too either too small in size, too ugly or too expensive)

Anyways, when I went out, my brothers and I saw something really strange in the sky. It looked like a satellite but was red in colour.

So we were like guessing that the satellite exploded and therefore was red with flames, and was staring at it and fantasizing.

Just then, our dad came and asked us what we were looking at, and then once we told him that, he was like laughing at us cos it was actually a crane (the one used for construction), only that the sky was so dark, but when we shifted our vision downwards, viola, there is the base...

The three of us were like so dumb... hahaz!

But as I was there outside the mall, I suddenly thought of 'lao yu sheng' with dragon boat last year, and i told my brother "one year liao, so fast...", without telling him what it means, and he just threw me a confused look...

Then I kinda remembered when I was clearing up today, I saw my internship certificate and realised that it is already one year in council, including internship...

And it is going to end soon, very very soon...

I'm so going to miss council room, but I'm sure 31st will still be together even after A levels (too bad the room cannot walk)

Right now I just don't want to pass on to the next batch with regrets, that I am going to make these four months the best months of my life!

I <3 31st! You bring smiles in my life! =)

[Anyways, for the rest of the story, my family went to hougang mall to buy my brother's shoes then that was where I saw Mrs Wang with her husband, so SWEET~... =) ]

(R^3)CMI wrote some crap again... <3 11:31 PM

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Open house was like super much better than JIPA, perhaps is because all the teachers there are so nice (at least those I worked with today)

There was the art teacher, Ms Hazel Ho and Mr Gerald, all nice people...

The art teacher (I think her picture is in AEP room), she was like so nice to provide us with the things that we needed like the strings, blu tac, cardboard whenever we ask her for it, and she makes sure that we have the things in proper NICELY.

Ms Hazel Ho was also nice cos she was like coming to check on us as and when to make sure things are going well, and helped out at the initial part at the reception.

Finally, there was Mr Gerald, quite a friendly guy who is like always helping us at the start and even bought us drinks! He was like talking in a really friendly tone with the J1 people and us too.

Now to the real open house itself...

I did not feel that it is a screwed up event, just some minor hiccups here and there, much better than... yups.

But one thing was that reception was SUPER boring...
It was like standing there to give out the files (a.k.a goody bags) and also the post card for the lucky draw. Apparently many CCAs took a lot and in the lucky draw won alot. Duh...

[People there: Clarence, Tammy, Kristabel, Me!]

And yups, after a long while, about 1pm, Clarence and I realised that there were not enough tour guides and we rushed there to substitute... (lucky I took the picture of the route from Yida using my camera phone or else I dunno where to go, my 'just in case' worked!)

and that was when the better part of the day came by...

The first group was a mother and two girls (maybe her daughters or niece), who looked totally different from one another...

One girl was super quiet and the other was like asking me loads of questions (I think she is the one that looks better too, but errrr.... not my type...)

It was totally fun bringing them to all the extra places not in the route cos I wanted to show them more nice things about nanyang, and the feedback i got was that the school facilities are wonderful.

It was totally fun promoting council and SDP too... hahaz!

Then this tour took like 1.5 hours, super long, smiled until mouth cramped...

After which, just when I went back to the booth like for 30seconds, one mother and her daughter (confirm is her daughter, look so alike, except for the wrinkles) came to ask for tour and I brought them around...

And this time I really know what to tell them cos I am like familiar with my route...

Then I brought them around and talked about the differrence between the secondary school life and the JC life, got a couple of laughs here and there and smiles here and there, and none of the questions were too hard to answer (luckily...)

And that only took 1 hr cos we missed some places due to the rain...

And that marked the end of my tour duty... (I wished I had more T.T)

Anyways, after which, there was a debrief and yups, nothing special to report...

And now I just feel that I am gonna need some strategies to ensure that things go well, especially when studies are coming back...

Tools: 1) deadlines, 2) Getting help, 3) Striking a balance!

Yay! Open house rocks! =)

(R^3)CMI wrote some crap again... <3 9:12 PM

Monday, January 12, 2009


Today was like a super super super boring day in school listening to briefings...

many interesting things happened too. Yay!

Firstly, this was my FIRST time late for school, cos I went back for BB day to see 51st and that freaking bus just keeps moving like a snail...

Secondly, after the briefings, my class went for the publicity thingy to ask people to come for NY open house, and we went to CHIJ, where Ying Chen studied...

At there, I dunno why, but at the start, Terence and I heard something like 'wei shen me hui wo nan ren zai wo men de xue xiao' (Why are there guys in our school) coming out from some sec 1 or 2 girls...

Then we quickly went into the building and waited and waited and waited until 1.30pm (at least our new CT treated us drinks! Yay!)

*Just a point to note, it was really SCARY in there... everyone staring at us, as if they have never seen guys before...

And then when we went to the hall, we found out that the CHIJ girls were all in the hall, going to get their results liao (bad mistake, cos we should have given it out earlier)

Then after that when they came out then I start giving it out.

At first I was quite confused about the colour of the name tag, and then after clarifying it, I tried to talk to them, but somehow I am tongue tied (wth... so many years liao this problem still here...)

Then I was damn stupid, some girls crying I dun dare go talk to them, dunno wise choice or not, but one was crying but I couldn't see so I got 'rejecteed'

After which, we sort of went into the hall, and I was quite hesistant at first, cos I dun wanna go into girls territory, damn scary...

Then continued to give the things out...

Actually while giving out the postcards, I was like supposed to tell them more about NYJC, but somehow, after they got it, they smiled and walked off, and I was like 'huh?'

There were some others who just 'dao' you and continue walking off...

And that was the end of my 'trip to the scary school'...

After which, Jamie, Ely, RJ, Louis, April, Clarence and I went to eat dinner (of course I didn't eat cos I am eating dinner at home) and we went to shop for RJ's table lamp but apparently did not buy anything in the end. Then it was home sweet home for us after we went to popular to buy some stuff for louis, april and Jamie...

*Point to note: Jamie asked me to choose a file for her then she decided on one herself... waste my time... bleah! =)

(R^3)CMI wrote some crap again... <3 9:01 PM

I'm tired...
very very tired...

I'm confused...
very very confused...

I'm stuck...
inbetween council and my life...

It has been so wierd...

Council vs School work
Council vs Promises I've made to myself
Council vs family

Is council my life now? Am I compromising my other part of my life? ARGH!

(R^3)CMI wrote some crap again... <3 8:59 PM

Friday, January 09, 2009

Today was the last day of JC immersion, and this post is really to sum up everything that I've felt these few days...

For me, it is rather confuing on how to rate the JC immersion...

Cos I had fun with my OG, in which i'll give 10/10...

But as for the planning part by the teachers, the SDP people etc etc that we've like complained for the whole 3 days long, i cannot even scrape a 1/10 for them, just simply a big fat zero...

I can still remember when I went back to my sceondary school today to help out in the CCA exhibition, I was asking my juniors about who they think planned the JC immersion, and apparently out of 4 of them, all thought that it was a council event...

It was like WTH lor... and I explained to them that it is the school's event itself...

JC immersion...
totally tarnished our name as a council... (I wonder how far that would go...)
totally tarnished our name in front of the other CCAs
totally tarnished our name in front of the SDPs...

It was totally crap!

We get the blame for some freaking stuff that we tried to help out...
and I really agree with April on that part where we are supposed to be working with the school, not for the school...

At first, I thought that the ad hoc was like super bad cos they did not update us on the things itself, (sorry if I'm too frank) but I realised that it is the school who is causing all these problems...

the planning totally SUCKS!

Even the ad hoc did not know what to do, they are just like AS INFORMED AS WE ARE...


If the school gave us the event, we would DEFINITELY be able to do a MUCH better job...

But luckily there was my OG, Gloria 4! Yay! (And of course, lots of free food and drinks...)

My OG was very quiet initially, as there were no Ice-breakers in the first place (not our fault...) and they did not even know who I am, let alone me knowing who they are...

But they loved the NY trail very very much, and it made me really satisfied...

And BY RIGHT, that was supposed to be the end of our jobs (except for the scorecards)...
But we just had to save JIPA since the second day was supposed to be boring...
and I've voluntarily did stupid things that I would not usually do in front of my OG, to give them the laughs etc etc, so that they felt fun staying with us...

Yups, then my OG really did gel together very much on their own, and I was very very glad to become their OGL!

Hahaz, I don't think I can forget 'Jay Chou' and 'Tracy a.k.a Guzheng a.k.a Lo Mai Kai', cos their names are like super funny! Hahaz!

This was why I gave a 10 for the level of fun...

But somehow I am super disappointed...
and I've really learnt something from this...
If you are right...
there is no harm trying...

And also...
I've kindly requested Mr Sequeira to give the Orientation ad hoc the feedback given to the teachers cos we MUST learn from the freaking mistakes that they've made...


(R^3)CMI wrote some crap again... <3 7:54 PM

About me!