Friday, July 31, 2009
Woohoo! I'm finally back home!!!
Had a great outing with my siblings just now! Hahaz!
Okay, at first we wanted to watch Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, but when we reached there, I don't know why, but the tickets are kinda sold out for the 5.35pm one, and since we have to watch those with students' price, the next show is at 6.05pm, but it's already non-student price... WTS...
Then all the movies were like all after 6, then we were like so pissed off...
But then I had this crazy idea to bring my siblings to 'Just Acia', where 31st went after our Sentosa Trip! Hahaz...
So we went to Dhoby Ghaut and got seats pretty easily, since there is like nobody there...
Then we ate and ate and ate loads of chocolate and btw, the food was really nice! So we ate 2 hours worth of ice-cream (I prefer to quantify it this way, hahaz!)
Then when we were going to leave the place, my brother was still asking if we could get another cup of ice-cream, but I kinda dissuaded him and left for Daiso in Plaza Sing!
We went looking around for ideas for our sister's birthday present (secret plan!) and then when we've gotten our ideas, we left to venture around Plaza Sing...
Oh yah, I forgot to mention... I met buddy there! Hahaz! But very sad didn't get to talk to her... Hahaz! =)
Anyways, we walked and walked and walked and looked at many new things... (Damn, my brothers need a life...)
Then when we were leaving for home, I met Chun Fui and his parents at Dhoby Ghaut MRT, but just kinda waved and went home...
Phew, what a day, at least all that dissuading of me watching Harry Potter actually worked... cos we didn't get to watch it. Ah wells, we did enjoy in the end, so hahaz! I really wanna have more of these outings with my siblings...
(Okay, I kinda promised my brother to bring him to the next beautiful sunday concert, I wonder when it'll be... Hahaz! =) )
(R^3)CMI wrote some crap again... <3 10:04 PM
I'm tired, real tired...
tired of running...
tired of hiding...
tired of pretending...
School, somehow became a place where I can no longer walk around without opening my eyes...
Somehow I feel that things around me are like mocking me...
When you don't want things to happen, it just always happens...
I just don't look forward to next week...
It'll just be another round of running, hiding and pretending again...
I totally hate this feeling, but...
I just have no choice...
I just have to run, hide and pretend...
(R^3)CMI wrote some crap again... <3 4:24 PM
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
I've just gotten back my last paper yesterday and kinda thought abit about my results.
My results are generally quite okay, but GP still failed.
It is kinda weird that I've been doing many different things that I would never have done before.
I started to think about my own scores.
Never did it occur to me that I would one day really think back on my scores, to think on how much I could have done better, and kinda start comparing with others.
As usual, comparing with my class people is quite disheartening, but I sound kinda like a bastard when I tell people that I'm the average type in my class, when many of my friends that I try very hard to help is failing very badly.
Somehow for me, I must admit that I'm really an average student, seriously. (I swear this is not to mock anyone)
But what I'm gonna say is that I just put in a little bit more effort (in the correct way) and also understand instead of just plainly memorising.
I remember that when I'm like talking to my brother about A levels when I'm teaching him some things, I talked to him about the fact that in JC, in many subjects, the questions you do rarely repeats itself, and by repeat I mean changing some values only. It is totally unlike O levels, where out of 10 questions in the TYS, 9 is about the same.
That is where the understanding part comes in. I always remember my teachers telling me that A level is testing our concepts, and the ability to utilize them during exams. This, I feel, is very true, and to tell you the truth, the reason behind why I can do okay in JC (i.e. not failing much), is that i understand the concepts, and not just plainly memorise them. And therefore, with any variation of questions will just come the application of the concepts.
I remember citing examples in chemistry about all of the funny funny molecules that the examiners can give you, but if you can apply concepts, it will be a 'no problem' to know what happens in that molecule. (Something liddat, I hope you get the meaning)
Maybe this would be the time that practice ONLY will not get you anywhere.
But this is what I can say for my sciences and maths, but not for my Econs and GP.
Those two subjects are my weakest of all, making up my E and S respectively. But right now I'm like trying super duper hard to see how I can salvage of the situation, and I'm pretty determined to do it, and somehow become a Econs + GP pro!
Therefore, I'm very much pretty determined to start to get organised and be serious in my work! (If you guys think that I'm serious in my work, you've not known what's real serious)
I'll have to start to study like a mugger, sleep like a mugger, eat like a mugger, shit like a mugger and breathe like a mugger! (Okay, I don't know what I'm talking about here)
And A levels, here I come!!! RAWRRRRRR!!!
With that, I hang up my sign.
(R^3)CMI wrote some crap again... <3 8:41 PM
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Actually I feel kinda weird blogging this...
But this is one thing that I really have to remind myself about, and that I must jot it down somewhere so I will be able to remember it...
You were right.
I really kinda think that I think too much (even that I'm thinking...)
Perhaps it's just like what you said about how time will eventually solve everything.
It never ever did occur to me that all these while I had been so stubborn to think that time will only bury your wounds for them to be surfaced again, with a much deeper gash, with a much prominent scar. But it was just my naive thinking...
I've always believed that 'apologies' should not be used as and when we like, because it will eventually lose value. But I've just realised that I've been using it like loosely and I would never have realised it before you told me that you did not like it.
Many people think that I'm weird, and I think they are right. I am weird. But for some sense, I've been trying to be normal...
Maybe it's just that I think too much...
Just when I thought shutting away from thinking of too much on things around me would be good, to just hang a smiley face whereever I go, I realised that I still think too much, causing misery to myself and maybe also affecting many others...
Now that all these have come to an end, I really wish my life would be back to normal. The way it was all supposed to be.
I really wanna thank you for making me realise all these things that I've never really did consiously. I was just thinking too much about the wrong things. Frankly speaking, the straightforward stuff really gave me one tight slap to wake me up. Thank you.
(R^3)CMI wrote some crap again... <3 10:46 PM
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Woohoo! It is really damn shoik having so many outings in 2 days, and doing so many things that I've wanna do!!!
Okay, first things first. Yesterday!!!
It was like a super good morning waking up late for school cos only need to be in school by 10 for QSE survey and class phototaking.
Went to school and listened to Mr Kwek talk and luckily, only 45 mins. Then had to spend the rest of the time eating lunch + youth day ice-cream (totally loved it! Love NY!) and then stay in class with those 'crazy korean fans' from my class. Council have, class oso have! I'm like going mad le!
But then it was quite entertaining watching Kejin try to achieve her '明星梦' and trying to do the body wave (but in the end she looked like a wooden block)! Hahaz. But anyways, we had loads of fun 'splashing cold water' on her and also suaning her. Hahaz. Super funny! (Then I sorta realised how good it is to have people in council who knows how to dance. At least can watch some god shows at some times. Hahaz! =) )
So watched for like two hours before it was 12.45 for our QSE survey. It was like wth... took only 10 mins and had to wait so long. But anyways, I was kinda dumb to like click 'strongly disagree' on 'I love my school' because I mistook it for 'strongly agree'! (It was at the standard universal place lor...)
Then went for phototaking and had loads of fun posing for pictures! Then our class had a whole deal of cam-whoring! Hahaz! =)
So yups, it was rather time wasting... but quite fun in the end!
So went home and did many things within three hours. Played basketball, played computer and managed to sleep!
Then it was like night time when we had our class outing (not full attendance as usual) and we went to Han's at Marina Square.
The first thing I saw was a thing on the menu saying 'Fried mixed vegetables
with pork and ...' and I was like wth...cos they are like scamming people liddat by putting the words so small... (I know you know what I mean)Then just when I thought it was a posh restaurant, I was like totally turned off by the staff there...
The price was super expensive, but the servings are so pathetic and don't even taste nice. The fish and chips is like fish paste, the orange juice was like super sour, and the bread was like a normal bread taken out from a drawer!!! WTH! The only thing nice was the soup. The dessert sucks by the way. And I've paid like $8.80 for everything! Bloody hell!!!
That is not the worse. When I went to order, the old aunty was like 'xiao di, ni yao mai shen me?!!!' and seriously, her face was like 'fucked-up' (as suggested by chun leong. Hahaz!). And then she asked me what drink I wanted and I asked her what they have, but she kinda just didn't tell me, so I told her 'coke', thinking that that was the most basic thing. That was when she showed me 'the face' and told me, 'coffee, tea, orange juice or lemon tea...' and I was like wth... nvr tell me earlier. Then the other aunty with the sort of same face also super wth... she thought that we all wanted ice lemon tea and then when she was blur, she was like demanding from us what drinks we wanted AGAIN... argh! What lousy service! (Self service somemore!)
(This is the first freaking time I'd ever complained about a restaurant!!! Seriously feel damn vulgar now!!!)
So yups, we went to the Bonsai Garden at suntec (I didn't even know there was this place in my life!) to play cards, but the girls complained that there are mosquitoes there, then we had to go to esplanade to find somewhere to play cards...
But then when we reached there, it was super crowded with no lights. So Terence kinda showed me the 'centre of the road' at highway near Fullerton. It was like super scary running up there up the slope from under the bridge, but the view there was spectacular! and I can feel the cars zooming past may head. damn cool!!!
So we went to wait for Shermin and Sock Hoon who were coming, and then we watched a free performance outside esplanade. The singer kinda mixed jazz (I think it is) with chinese songs and it was super nice, and her voice rocks. Hahaz. But then didn't know who she was. Then when Sock Hoon and Shermin came, we went and walked around, and ended up at the arcade in Marina Square. And HQ is damn zai! He spent $0.50 playing 2 rounds of the street fighter cube game and then 8 more rounds to the final stage and finally winning the final boss. Damn zai! Hahaz! As usual, I was like looking around only.
Then super late le. So had to go home and watched TV and slept!
Okies, about today!!!
The whole of 31st went out! Super nice to see everyone again, and we still had a very trong bond! Really thank Qing Wei, Yi da for planning the activities, the sandwich people who made the sandwiches (still feel very sad for those wasted sandwiches) and also everyone for the snacks and drinks!
Played loads and loads and loads of volleyball and had a few fights out at sea (horse riding war!!!) Seriously had a lot of fun!
Then we went to Dhoby Ghaut to eat at Just Acia, which is like the same as Just Noodles. Damn cool. Got to eat all the ice-cream and drinks! Hahaz!
It was seriously very fun, and I really wish that we have more of such outings.
And these two days of outings were like super fun and I'd loved all the times I've had together with my class and council! And also the company with me back on North-East line. I'd rarely had people who took train back with me, especially when I stay back in school almost all the time.
Okies, now that I've enjoyed myself long enough, it is time to start picking up my pace to prepare for A levels.
I think I'll be staying back in school a while to help the rest in their work, and also improve on my work. And this shall be my aim for prelims! You all shall be my witnesses!
Physics: B
Chemistry: A
Maths: B
Econs: C
Yeah, I'm so gonna work towards that goal! I was proud of my past, and I shall be proud of my present. I've gone through so much in these few months that I really feel that since all these have been over, I shall not give myself any more misery and yeah, be a better person!
Jia you to myself!!!
I'm so gonna get a pair of nerd specs!
(R^3)CMI wrote some crap again... <3 11:02 PM
Sunday, July 05, 2009
Hihi everyone! Is me! Hahaz!
Okay, that was a lame introduction but yeah, that's my style!
Anyways, just to blog randomly about today!
Today was just an ordinary sunday (which means I'm like pigging in bed until the sun starts scorching my arse)
But got woken up by my brother to go and play basketball. It was quite fun playing with those small kids again (okay, secondary 3 or 4 kids), and this time we finally lost to them (after 2 close wins, both 11-10) This time the score was like 11-8. But the fun part was that it was 5-0 at first (they were leading), then both my brother and I took out our slippers so that we can finally run and then we caught up all the way to 8-8 (Quite a feat yea?)
Anyways, my second brother was quite pissed off after the match (I dunno why...), and he kept on blaming my third brother for not running and standing there when he was supposed to get the ball... (ah wells, in the end nothing happened...)
So anyways, felt like studying maths after that (the sadistic statistics...) and fell asleep after studying P&C... Lunched and then got ready to leave home with my dad to go eat 'high tea' with my aunties that came from malaysia for a shopping trip here. (I was kinda volunteered...)
So the thing was like super lousily planned...
we had to hunt my aunties everywhere in centrepoint and orchard central...
then had to hunt for a place to eat...
loads of waiting and argh, the place was just boring...
So we went to eat and talk...
And damn! My aunty was like super GL to the waitresses... (I really feel sorry for them that I had to make sure they smiled by smiling at them when I thanked them for any small things...)
But anyways, she and her daughter were like talking to me about my JC life, cos her daughter just finished her 'A's in a private school in Malaysia. (Super boring topic...) Anyways, they started talking about tuition (As usual, I told them that I was proud that I had no tuition! and seriously, I feel that my other counsin that came have problems... mug for a few months for PSLE! WTS... nowonder she got 270+++...)
So yups, it was disastrous there... (I guess it was my big mouth saying how lucky Jamie was having able to go out to eat so often, and then I met my doom!) They forced me to eat a lot... wts... I had not eaten so much in a long time... and my stomach cannot take it le... but still managed to get everything down that I did not have to eat dinner (sorry, bottomless pit found its ground le! Hahaz!). But the worst thing was that my aunty kept on saying that the taller you are, the more you can eat, so she kept on forcing me to eat, like wts...
And then before I left to go to Novena for Hair for hope shaving, my dad and my aunties were like fighting over on the payment, and luckily, I was not caught in the middle! Hahaz! I just closed my eyes and waited for the ordeal to end... So my aunty from malaysia was like so thankful that my dad paid for everything that she said that after my As she'll invite my dad and I to Malaysia, and asked me to go karaoke... (I was stunned for a while, until I remembered that there was something called karaoke, not k-box in her generation)
So I left for Velocity in Novena... (As usual, I always thought that Velo-city was 'vi-low-city' like vivocity, but not knowing it was the physics word!)
Then was supposed to meet at 5 at Novena, then nice one lor, my friends left AMK at 5...
so anyways, when they reached, we went to shave!
It was like a quite fun experience sitting on the stage with everyone staring at you while you cut your hair! At least the hair stylist was good! hahaz! Kudos to the hair stylist! =)
Now my hair is like super short and it's hard to wear my shirt or use my towel cos it'll get stucked on my head...
but I love the new hairstyle! It's so cooling and sexy! Hahaz! =)
Yups, this should be all for today! I shall go slack a while more and study stats! (Shit... I seriously needs someone to teach me stats!)
(R^3)CMI wrote some crap again... <3 9:14 PM