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i know how it feels
when i see you smile (:

No matter how long we exist,
we have our memories.
Points in time which time itself cannot erase
Suffering may distort my backward glances
but even to suffering,
some memories will yield nothing of her beauty or their splendor.
Rather they remain as hard as gems.

--Anne Rice--

Monday, December 21, 2009
Okay, I admit I was lazy, very lazy...

I was supposed to post up the things about my australia trip the weekend I came back home, but yups, was kinda lazy to blog, and after that, too busy to blog.

So yups, here it is, those that I can still remember!

Day 1 (plane to Gold Coast)

It was a rushy morning that day when my whole family did last minute packing (of course, my mum was smart to ask us to pack the night before despite my dad saying that there is still a lot of time) and we left for Changi Airport.

So it was there that I started sneezing real bad, and yups, we went for lunch and viola, went onto the plane (fly emirates) after waiting, waiting and waiting.

So I watched some movies on the plane (Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince- ewww, GI Joe - WoW! and Dragon ball - So so...)

And ate a lot (but the food is too salty and somehow not nice to eat)...

And I also saw someone that looked like my friend over there (and I saw her when I was returning to singapore too)

Okay... and after which, I reached Brisbane airport and my whole family went to ZZZ... in the seats provided...

Day 2

Woke up (feeling very tired and ache-y) and my whole family went to take the airtrain (we forgot to press the button to open the door XD) to GoldCoast (no choice, cos backpacking trip, no coach)

Yups, and the air there was nice, warm but windy (much worse in GoldCoast - warmer + windier)

The trip was around two hours, and once we got off, we went to purchase our Go-card (EZ-link card) and went on a bus journey (approx. 1 hour) to our resort, where we got off without knowing it's our stop (lucky, isn't it?)

But anyways, it was in the bus that I realised how nice Australians are. They can offer to help each other even though they dunno them and will also talk to strangers as if they are their good friends.

So we reached our resort and slept...

And the moment we woke up, it was very late and time for lunch (or brunch because we didn't eat breakfast)

So after that we went out of the resort to recce the place for the meeting place for the next day and then a shopping place (just see see only), but it was like 5.30pm there and everything has closed le. (So freaking early right? totally not used to it at first)

So we went to eat at pizza hut for dinner (no forks and spoons, so ate pasta with hands!)
So it was like everyone was staring at my weird family and I eating with our hands there.

And later on, we went to the night market, and that was where we saw an advertisement to discourage gambling "Don't be a Galah!" and we started teasing our sister, calling her a Galah.

So at the night market, there were like lots of stuff that that they sell, just like our pasar malam, but one thing that went well for me was the moon-sighting part. There was a booth with many telescopes to see the moon, and we paid a family fee of 2 children, 2 adults, but in the end, all 6 of us went to watch. Hehes. XD

It looked like some kinda cell liddat (reminded me of biolody lessons looking at my dead cheek cells)

So yups, we also went to the beach to walk. The waves there were nice and large, the full moon was beautiful, and the soft and cool sand was georgeous! Wished I could bring some of the cool, soft sand back. XD

And at the market, there were like public toilets that were very interesting. The toilets have switches for you to press (to lock the door and to open the door), and once you close and lock the door, there will be a voice to tell you that you have 10 mins left, then start playing music. And if 10 mins over, the door will unlock. Cool isn't it?

So after that we were like making our way back and there were a group of girls that tried to sneak up on my brother and I to scare us, but we quickly picked up our pace and went off. So their plan kinda failed. Crazy teenagers!

After that weird incident, we went back and slept, to prepare for our 4WD trip the next day, waking up at 4.30am australia time (2.30am singapore time)

Yups, and this will be what happened for the first two days. I'll type in the next few days if I'm free or not-lazy. hahaz! XD

(R^3)CMI wrote some crap again... <3 9:59 PM

Thursday, December 03, 2009

A levels is finally over! (Though it ended for me on Monday)

But this time, it does not really feel that great about an exam ending.

Not that I don't want it to end, but it's the fact that I won't be able to see many of my friends that is saddening...

It's like for every examination, there will be a post-exam celebration, and you can still see your friends after that in school.

But what the end of A levels marked was the fact that I'll not be wearing my school uniform again (which means I won't really be able to see my friends for a long time, especially those who are from overseas)

I don't know why, but this feeling sucks. But I realised that it should be time to move on. Hahaz.

So yups, though I'll miss a lot of stuff due to my overseas trip this time, I do hope that you guys have fun (not that you all will read my post), but yeah, I'll miss all of you. Hahaz.

Yups, and the next time you guys see me, I'll be different, much better than now! =)

Woohoo! Goldcoast here I come!!!! =D

(R^3)CMI wrote some crap again... <3 9:41 AM

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Before this wonderful and special day for me actually ended, I will want to record this down!

Once again, it's my birthday, and this time I'm 18! Meaning, I can now watch M18 shows, and do many many other stuffs... Woohoo! Old people rocks! (oops, i mean matured)

Anyways, today I woke up normally, and yups, as usual, got many sms-es throughout the whole day. And I really gotta say, Qing Wei's, Pamela's and Sam's SMS are the best! They sent happy, 18th, birthday, each person one word!

But anyways, I really feel like thanking Jamie, Ely and April for that wonderful cake that they baked for me! Though I've not tried it yet, I'm sure I'll enjoy it alot. BTW, I'm like showing that cake off to everyone! Yups, and is super touched by that! Thanks alot! =)

Yups, and today as I walk around in school, plenty of 'Happy birthday's' here and there, loud or soft, from people that I know. Hahaz! I really thank everyone for all of your birthday wishes!

THen yups, let's fast forward to my brithday celebration with my family. As usual, it is a cut cake sing song time, but this time it's super fun! And I really thanks my siblings for the cards they gave me, the ipod nano my parents gave to me, the singlet and the balloon helicopter my second brother gave to me and the chocolate heart that my youngest brother gave to me!

Anyways, the cake I've had today is great! It was almost exactly the same cake my face got smashed into last year (thanks 31st), only difference is that there's fruits on top + no smashing. Hahaz. It was really great to remember the nice things that went on last year! =)

And that isn't all! I went onto facebook and wow! So many 'thank you's' to type to everyone! It is really great to have technology around! Hahaz, kudos to facebook and everyone for your wishes once again!

SO yups, everyone is like asking me to do well for my A levels, and yups, I will! I will do all of you proud anf be the best! Woohoo!

But one thing that I'm quite sad about is that I did not manage to get to talk to my eyecandy no matter how hard I tried to find a chance to. I sorta missed a chance last friday, this monday, this wednesday and yups, today! Shucks, I think i'll never get to know her now... T.T

Nonetheless, it did not spoil my birthday! Woohoo! I'm so happy now!!! XD

(R^3)CMI wrote some crap again... <3 9:55 PM

Thursday, October 01, 2009

I really don't know if you call it lucky or unlucky...

This was what happened today...

As usual, I was my happy self going home from school with my friends, talking quite loudly and also suaning Jia Jun as always...

But as I reached Serangoon MRT station, I met someone whom I've not met for a long time, almost about two years.

When she saw me, her first reaction was like 'turn away and face the other direction'. Then I took a while standing about two doors away, dumbfounded, because I would never had expected to see her ever again in my life.

Then when all of us went into the train carriage (by the way, I was still a bit stunned), I stood at the door, somehow blocking the whole entrance. Then it sorta took me a while to realise I was blocking the path and my friends and I moved to center of the carriage. (Okay, by then I was closer to her and is able to see her)

Then this was what I've realised. She continued to face the other direction, as if she did not want me to recognise her. I sorta had a conflict in myself on whether I should go talk to her, but as I thought of all the stuff that I've did a long long time ago, I sorta just pretended that I never saw her. But by then I guess everyone would have sensed that I had suddenly become super quiet.

So after I reached Hougang, I just sorta rushed out of the train carriage and then slowed down my pace to walk slower by the glass, and as the train went past, I caught a last glimpse of her, and yups, it ended. After which, as I walked back home up till now, I had been very quiet, and kinda vexed.

I wonder if it's lucky or unlucky that I've seen her.

Somehow seeing her was like a miraculous nightmare. Seeing her again after a long time was a miracle, and I actually think that it's okay. It is a nightmare because it sort of brought back all my bad memories from before. It was just that simple. One short 5 mins accounter tore me up once again.

The bad memories, are those that highlighted my stupidity, my naive-ness, and perhaps some important lessons that I've learnt.

Maybe I should not associate them as bad memories, perhaps as life lessons.

These were the stuff that she'd taught me. How to give up and knowing what is pure stupidity.

She taught me how to give up, that people who do not really know each other will never have a chance together, and that as long as a girl likes another guy, no point for me. That IS the reason for my recent 'give up' a few months ago, and some of my friends may know what I'm talking about.

She also taught me what was pure stupidity (0n my side). I did stupid stuff to get her attention, and was super naive and childish. Because of her, perhaps I lost my ability to talk to the female species comfortably until JC. I know it sounds stupid, and it really is.

So yups, I guess it was right for her to pretend that she did not know me and I did not know her, since I may have scared her off last time, and I don't wish to bring nightmares to her.

I've changed since then, but I wonder if anyone knows. I doubt she does not know, and she will never know.

"It's a wonder what 5 minutes can actually do..."

(R^3)CMI wrote some crap again... <3 9:04 PM

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Woohoo! Slacking time!

Oh my, I shouldn't be saying this, especially when As are like only 30+ days left and I still got physics paper 1 on monday! hahaz!

Anyways, I went out with my class ytd! Totally fun!

Cos it was kinda last minute, so I couldn't join them for dinner But instead, I met them at suntec pastamania at 8 plus. It was super lucky of me to just find the right location without looking for directions. Hahaz!

Anyways, we went to play pool, and I really suck at it. Though Jia Jun was like learning it for the first time, he had a lot of beginner's luck. And I didn't know that Kenny and Huan Qing are so good players. Hahaz, for me, erm... it's just that everytime i hit the white ball with the stick, the white ball NEVER fails to jump! Nomatter where I hit, it'll jump... Hahaz! I think that's a problem with my skills, I guess.

But anyways, we went for Datona after that. Whoa, it is like the first time I ever spent money at arcade for my own entertainment. (Cannot believe it right? Hahaz!) So anyways, first round I was too slow to join the race and had to race with the com, and emerged 36/40... But for the second round, it was like mad, I rushed to second place, then hit the wall, and ended up 6/7... So sad. Hahaz!

But anyways, it was kinda late by then, so some of them went home and some of us went to talk at one secluded corner of dhoby ghaut mrt station. Hahaz, great insights really. But yups, I shall not reveal any content of it... Oh yah, and we kinda decided on going for night cycling one day. I guess that planning gotta come soon? Hahaz!

Anyways, that was for yesterday. As for today, I was down with flu (maybe because i started slacking). But I had no choice cos it was my distant cousin's birthday. To tell you the truth, I dun even know her (Dun even know if she's my cousin or aunty, and since she's so young, so i just call her cousin). Yups, it was like a totally weird place (Hotel Holiday Inn) with totally new faces that I've never met. But at least I met with some familiar faces and got to know some new people that I've always wanted to know but dunno who they are, and they sorta turned out to be different? Hahaz!

So it was like the wedding ceremony which was totally awesome with all the food and the videos and the other stuffs, and I totally loved it!

Yups, and by the way, when I just reached the location, my eyes suddenly like got locked at a girl (this seriously had never occurred to me before!). She was super chio and it was like she looked like my eyecandy in school! I was like unknowingly looking at her all the time. (Oh my, I feel like a sick bastard...) Anyways, in the end, I dun think that I'll ever get to meet her. Hahaz! So yups, getting to see such things that beautify the world once is just like viewing eifel tower once in real life (if you get the analogy). Once is enough! hahaz! But at least if I still get to see my eyecandy, then it'll be like seeing the same person, since the look like 95% the same except for the hair colour (one has dyed hair while the other does not). Haiz, it really make me feel as if I wanna know my eyecandy in person. Right now I only know how she looks and nothing else... Hahaz!

Then that was in the morning + afternoon, then I was like going to die from sneezing already. But I kinda promised to bring my sister to her school's Mid Autumn festival celebration. So I kinda brought her there and by the way, was sneezing throughout the whole thing. For starters, we were one hour late into the event. So we went there and bought some goodie bags (since it was for charity, I bought one extra too for myself) Then my sister was like unwilling to do anything, but luckily, there was a colouring competition at that time and I sorta brought her to take part in it. She took super long to colour and I took super long sitting down there staring at her draw, while looking at the cute primary school kids running around. Hahaz, I miss those days man... So yups, after that, we kinda handed it in and she went for hand painting. After which we went to the field to play with her lantern but in the end, there were people playing with fire and she was so scared that we left to watch the performance at the hall. And were we 'lucky'... when we reached there, it was like already halfway through the last performance. So we just watched the chinese dance for like a few minutes and left for FREE candy floss. After which we went to sit down at their synthetic field and watched a performance (old folks doing tai-chi). We then got so bored that we left and she went to do calligraphy, and I sorta got some recollections of my past learning calligraphy. The both of us were as lousy as each other. Hahaz! So after that we went to queue for the free popcorns but it had kinda ended, so we just left for home and here I am, typing this out. Hahaz.

So yups, these two days are totally enjoyable, and I'm looking forward to next tuesday's council outing! Woohoo! =)

So yups, I think I shall slack for this whole weekend and then for the next week, start to study like mad for A levels! Jia you to myself! =)

(R^3)CMI wrote some crap again... <3 10:21 PM

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Okay, today is a special day! Hahaz!

090909, once in a lifetime man!

Anyways, I just have to record this stuff down.

I suddenly had the urge today to study, and I don't know why! Suddenly after I read some essays in the GP bulletin, instead of being demoralised, I became kinda motivated!

Ohmigosh! What's happening to me!

I think I'm getting the mugger genes already! Bwahahaha!

Anyways, I think I shall study like siao already! And I shall reiterate my point!
" With this pair of hands will I recreate the miracle that I've done two years ago, this time for A levels and prelims!"

Two years ago I did the impossible, and this time, I shall do the same! Bwahahaha!

So I shall put aside some stuff for the time being, and just mug! Mug like siao!

As for A levels, here I come! =)

(R^3)CMI wrote some crap again... <3 11:32 AM

Monday, August 31, 2009

Woohoo! Today was a great day! Oh mi gosh!

First thing in the morning I went to school rushing, so that I can meet Benny for something, but turns up both of us will be late, so we did not really meet up.

Then when I was in school, I sorta met up with my classmates then passed them the mini econs file that I've made. Then I walked to the canteen to look for 31st. On my way there, I sorta passed by my eye candy. hahaz, didn't know I'll be so lucky.

Then after a while of talking to 31st I went back to my classmates who were somewhere at the tables at the atrium, then i saw my eyecandy again. But sadly, when she saw me, she kinda walked away. Maybe I look very scary. Hahaz! =)

But anyways, went for assembly and had to write notes for the teachers for chun leong (WTH... he dun even want to write it for his teachers...)

Then it was like super touching to see Xiao Mei give me the chocolate cookie!


Anyways, Terence was like laughing at me and wants to know who xiao mei is, then after that I got to laugh back at him when he also got one from zuo yi! Hahahahahahahz!

Yups, then after that it was like ACES day. My class just literally turned around and left to find a classroom, but Terence and I did not know since we were like standing at the front. But after that, when we saw the J1s turning around, we turned around and saw our missing class, then we were discussing whether to stay or not, but in the end we went to join our class...

And after a while, they started dancing trad dance, so the both of us rushed down to dance it too. Hahaz. It was very fun. Actually right, they should have just done all the mass dances...

But nevermind, things are already over. So yups, after that was the performance. I think it was totally awesome! Although at the start I thought the feel was like some CNY celebration. But yups, Ben Chua was lame... and Yi Mei totally rocked with the "I want anybody anybody but you (Ben Chua)! Hahahahahz! So yups, the performances went on smoothly and I totally loved it!

Then after the end of it, my class ran around school just to look for four of our teachers to pass them the gifts. Man, were they touched when they received the gifts from our class. But very sad, the best cannot be given out yet. Why must Mr Lee have a course today???!!!

Then after that, Michael, Daniel, Chuan Ren, Kelvin and I went back to Mayflower. I finally saw my teachers after missing teachers' day last year. When I reached school, I sorta saw Cindy Tan and Pei ling, then Juin Rong. As usual, first thing I saw Cindy Tan I couldn't resist the temptation of suaning her! Hahaz. But other than that, I think this time I only got to see Mrs Thomas, Mr Ang and some other random teachers like Mr Ganna, Mr Kwek, Mrs Sedhu and of course, Mrs Lim (again). But sadly, the teacher that I wanted to see most - Mrs Leong - had gone out with her ex-class.

It was like super exciting looking for her. A while some teachers told us that she was downstairs, a while later some told us she was upstairs, then a while later I decided to call her. Then that was when I found out that she's left. But anyways, I thanked her for teaching me chem and now that I've gotten good results for chem and also for H3 chem, I think most of it was her effort. And the best thing was that she still remembered me and my name!!!!!!! =)


So yups, we went to talk more and more with the rest and then I saw me best friend Kenneth!!! Woah, it's like a super long time since we've talked. Then talked and talked and talked, then left a note for Mrs Selva (who's sick today, sadly. "get well soon!"). But then also saw Samantha Lee Geck Cheng! As loud as ever, as noisy as ever, and still gives me the temptation to start suaning her again and again and again...

Then Juin Rong, Kenneth and I kinda went to the coffeeshop opposite Mayflower to eat. Then we talked and talked for more than an hour. Woah, that was when I found out that so many of my friends in other JCs are like freaking stressed, that Kenneth was actually in the same CCA as my cousin, and that NY is seriously damn fun! But I shall spare everyone of the details. Hahaz.

So yups, walked with Kenneth to take the bus to his home, and me to NY (abit like... just like always). Then sorta bid farewell to him then went back to school. Supposedly was to study, but HOW CAN ANYONE IN THE RIGHT MIND STUDY ON SUCH A NICE DAY????!!!!

So yups, went to play volleyball with Zi Yuan, Jamie and Ely. And yups, funny details I shall spare, but I've finally understood how to hit the ball back le! Thanks Zi Yuan! =)

So after that, we went for movie! BAND SLAM! Totally rocked! It was like a super nice show to start with, but for someone like me who's easily satisfied, I dun see any problem with the cast.

So yups, after that went with Jamie and Lilan to Fairprice. Okay, this is the weird part...

I actually just thought they were buying groceries, but then... their 'groceries' were like ahem... so it was like so awkward walking there. Then luckily we left soon enough. Then I went back home on bus...

Halfway through the journey back home, I sorta recognised someone on the bus ( I guessed he recognised me too). Anyway, I didn't know that he's become from bad to worse. Now he's behaving like someone's dog, and I really mean it... What has a normal person like him become after so long? Haiz...

But overall, teachers' day totally rocked! And I told myself that since today is a great day, I shall only start studying 2moro. And that is when you people will see Kuang Wen mug like never before! Cos he's gonna do well for GP compre by this friday! Bwahahaha! =D

(R^3)CMI wrote some crap again... <3 9:00 PM

About me!